Posted by: Suzan | January 5, 2010

Pacing Ourselves for the Journey

Last Sunday my Minister, Wendy Craig-Purcell, shared how important it is to make our affirmations for the New Year. Yet more importantly she said, “We must also get off of our aff-irmations to bring them into reality.”

This struck me. We make our affirmations, intentions, goals, however we ‘frame’ them and so often, do not reach the finish line. It resembles the tortoise and hare story. Like the hare we have bold aspirations, begin with a sprint, yet then wear ourselves out and take a nice long nap instead. Sound familiar?

So, how do you pace yourself to last the journey?

•First allow yourself some reflection time to get clear on what you want for your life. Have it be so transparent that you can see a vivid picture of it in your mind.
•Then ask if this is truly what you want (or is it something someone else wants for you). Before you waste any precious energy, understand your true motivation.
•Next check-in with yourself to see if you are willing to do what is required to make it happen. Who do you need to be in each situation to not let any set-backs avert you (because ‘life happens’)?
•When you’re in alignment and willing to proceed, practice connecting your intention to your heart. When you can literally feel the emotion around bringing your vision forth – you are more likely to attain it. It becomes imbedded within you – a part of your cellular structure if you will.
•Finally be more like the tortoise. Stay the course with your determination and desire – not your stopwatch. One step at a time is all you need to take. It doesn’t matter the size of your step. With one foot in front of the other, you will reach the finish line.

**Thank you for visiting my blog. I’m a certified life coach for professional women in transition who want more balance, joy, and expression. For the month of January, I’m offering a tremendous special – please visit my website: for more information!


  1. Glad you found the idea helpful, Suzan. Keep up the good–and wise–work you are doing.

    Wendy Craig-Purcell
    Author, “Ask Yourself This”


    • Thanks, Wendy. By the way, I’m so glad to be reconnecting with The Unity Center after a long break. You inspire!

